EUROPEAN POLICE COLLEGE CEPOL (College europien de police)
What is CEPOL?
CEPOL is an agency of the European Union dedicated to develop, implement and coordinate training for law enforcement officials.
Since 1 July 2016, the date of its new legal mandate1, CEPOL's official name is "The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training".
Where is CEPOL located?
CEPOL's headquarters are located in Budapest, Hungary.
Why does CEPOL exist?
CEPOL contributes to a safer Europe by facilitating cooperation and knowledge sharing among law enforcement officials of the EU Member States2 and to some extent, from third countries, on issues stemming from EU priorities in the field of security; in particular, from the EU Policy Cycle on serious and organised crime.
What does CEPOL do?
CEPOL brings together a network of training institutes for law enforcement officials in EU Member States and supports them in providing frontline training on security priorities, law enforcement cooperation and information exchange. CEPOL also works with EU bodies, international organisations, and third countries to ensure that the most serious security threats are tackled with a collective response.
How does CEPOL work? How is the training portfolio created?
CEPOL is headed by an Executive Director, who is accountable to a Management Board. The Management Board is made up of representatives from EU Member States and the EU Commission. The chair of the Management Board is a representative of one of the three Member States that have jointly prepared the Council of the European Union's 18-month programme. The Management Board meets at least two times per year. In addition, CEPOL has dedicated National Units (CNUs) in every Member State to provide information and assistance to law enforcement officials who wish to participate in CEPOL's activities. CNUs also support CEPOL's operations.
The agency's annual work programme is built with input from this network and other stakeholders, resulting in topical and focused activities designed to meet the needs of Member States in the priority areas of the EU internal security strategy. Moreover, CEPOL assesses training needs to address EU security priorities.
CEPOL constantly strives to offer innovative and advanced training activities by integrating relevant developments in knowledge, research & technology, and by creating synergies through strengthened cooperation.
CEPOL's current portfolio encompasses residential activities, online learning (i.e. webinars, online modules, online courses, etc.), exchange programmes, common curricula, research and science.
1. Regulation (EU) 2015/2219 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015
2. Denmark and the United Kingdom are not considered Member States in relation to CEPOL in accordance with Protocol 22 on the position of Denmark and Protocol 21 on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice, annexed to the TEU and to the TFEU.
Office address:
European Police College
1066 Budapest
Ó Utca 27
Correspondence address:
European Police College
1903 Budapest
Pf. 314
Tel.: +36 1 803 8030/8031
Fax: +36 1 803 8032
Association of European Police Colleges AEPC
To the Association of European Police College belong 48 police colleges from 42 European and European neighbouring countries. CEPA and AEPC agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in 1997, in order to achieve maximized coordination and cooperation in the field of police training. Jointly planned conferences and training activities facilitate mutual understanding and promote in the same time the efficiency of police cooperation.
Contact Address:
Mario Krebs
Sicherheitsakademie - Federal Ministry of the Interior
A-1010 Vienna
Herrengasse 7
Tel.: +43 1 53126 4852
Mobile: +43 664 282 7545