The 28th CEPA Main Course 2020 will take place from 17 February to 03 April 2020. This course will be held at the seven venues of the CEPA member countries, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. On 17.02.2020 the CEPA Main Course was opened in Prague by representatives of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and the Police Academy in Prague. During the opening speech the pro-rector of the Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague, Mr. doc. Dr. jur. Harald Scheu, Mag. phil., PhD. mentioned the importance of the international training of the CEPA and praised the good cooperation between the CEPA countries.
The main course will last seven weeks and 25 participants from the CEPA countries will attend this CEPA training. The participants will learn about legal and strategic elements as well as operational and tactical measures to combat organized crime. Theoretical and practical methods for cross-border and police cooperation form the core of this CEPA training.
In the course of the course, experts from the CEPA countries will present the latest trends and methods for fighting organized crime to the participants. Offences such as trafficking in human beings, drug-related crime and property crime will be covered in this course, as well as the latest manifestations of "cyber-crime".
Participation in practical exercises in modern and efficient crime fighting should demonstrate the practical added value of this course.
During the main course, the 25 participants attend workshops, whereby various tasks relating to the topic of "white-collar crime in connection with the Internet and money laundering" are to be dealt with in the 7 weeks. A case from the practice serves as a basis. At the end of the course, the results of the workshops are presented to a panel of experts. The workshops will be accompanied or led by experienced experts from Germany and Slovakia.