The CEPA Main Course 2019 was held in Vienna from 24 to 29 March 2019. The 22 participants from the CEPA countries had already been guests in the Central European countries, the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Slovenia. The topic of the main course "Prevention and Combating of Internationally Relevant Crime" could also be dealt with very effectively in Vienna.
In Vienna, practical and operative lectures on the subject areas of "trafficking in human beings", "international rocker crime", "international target investigation" and "property crime" were held. In addition, a guest speaker from the public prosecutor's office held a practical discussion using the example of international investigations with the help of the instruments "mirror procedures" and "joint investigation teams". The preservation of evidence and the investigation strategies for cyber crimes as well as insights from the experts of the SIReNE office Austria within the Federal Criminal Police Office were further topics which were presented.
During an excursion to the Federal Criminal Police Office, the participants were able to get to know the work in this area and discuss it with the experts during several technical discussions.
The workshop of the 27th main course is dedicated to the topic "Human trafficking in connection with cyber-crime and asset skimming", in which the participants have to deal with various tasks. The results will be presented by the participants at the closing event at the site in Budapest/Hungary.