The Central Coordination Office of CEPA would like to inform that there has been a personnel change in the CEPA Board in Switzerland.
The Swiss Police Institute (SPI) has taken over the Swiss representation in the CEPA bodies from the Federal Office of Police fedpol as of 1 January 2022 and will provide the Secretariat CH. Thus, the SPI follows its strategy to strengthen the cooperation in the field of supranational police training. The announced change is also associated with the assumption of representation on the CEPA Board.
It has been foreseen by Switzerland that Ms. Laura Antonelli Müdespacher of fedpol - with thanks for the valuable services rendered - will hand over the representation on the CEPA Board.
Mr. Stefan Aegerter, Director Swiss Police Institute SPI, is a new member of the CEPA Board.
CEPA warmly welcomes Director Stefan Aegerter as a member of the CEPA Board and is looking forward to a good cooperation.